[% USE Dumper %] [% Dumper.dump(variable) %] [% Dumper.dump_html(variable) %]
This is a very simple Template Toolkit Plugin Interface to the Data::Dumper module. A
object will be instantiated via the following
[% USE Dumper %]
As a standard plugin, you can also specify its name in lower case:
[% USE dumper %]
The Data::Dumper
, Indent
options are supported as constructor arguments to
affect the output generated. See Data::Dumper for further details.
[% USE dumper(Indent=0, Pad="<br>") %]
These options can also be specified in lower case.
[% USE dumper(indent=0, pad="<br>") %]
There are two methods supported by the Dumper
object. Each
will output into the template the contents of the variables passed to the
object method.
Generates a raw text dump of the data structure(s) passed
[% USE Dumper %] [% Dumper.dump(myvar) %] [% Dumper.dump(myvar, yourvar) %]
Simon Matthews <sam@tt2.org>
Copyright (C) 2000 Simon Matthews. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.