There's a limitation in the TT2 parser which means that the following code doesn't work as you might expect:
[% a = b IF c %]
The parser interprets it as an attempt to set a
to the
result of b IF c
, like this:
[% a = (b IF c) %]
If you want to set a = b
only if c
is true,
then do this instead:
[% SET a = b IF c %]
The explicit SET
keyword gives the parser the clue it needs
to do the right thing.
NOTE: this will be fixed in TT3
You can do something like this:
[% stag = "[\%"
etag = "%\]"
and then:
[% stag; 'hello'; etag %]
Or you can use the TAGS
directive, like so:
[% TAGS [- -] %] [- INCLUDE foo -] # is a directive [% INCLUDE foo %] # not a directive
This is covered in the Template::Manual::VMethods section of the manual. A list of all
the keys that are in the hash can be obtained with the keys
virtual method. You can then iterate over that list and by looking up
each key in turn get the value.
[% FOREACH key = product.keys %] [% key %] => [% product.$key %] [% END %]
Order the data into rows:
Steve Karen Jeff
Brooklyn Nantucket Fairfax
[% USE table(data, rows=3) %]
Then ask for each column
[% FOREACH column = table.cols %]
And then print each item in the column going across the output rows
[% FOREACH item = column %] <td>[% item %]</td> [% END %]
Jeff Boes <> asks:
Does anyone have a quick-n-dirty approach to accessing cookies from templates?
Jonas Liljegren answers:
[% USE CGI %] <p>The value is [% CGI.cookie('cookie_name') | html %]
Short answer: yes, Chris Nandor has done this for Slash. You need to subclass Template::Provider. See the mailing list archives for further info.
To do the job properly, you should subclass Template::Provider to
and use a PREFIX_MAP
option to bind the http
template prefix to that particular
provider (you may want to go digging around in the Changes file
around version 2.01 for more info on PREFIX_MAP
- it may not
be properly documented anywhere else...yet!). e.g.
use Template::Provider::HTTP; my $file = Template::Provider( INCLUDE_PATH => [...] ); my $http = Template::Provider::HTTP->new(...); my $tt2 = Template->new({ LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $file, $http ], PREFIX_MAP => { file => '0', # file:foo.php http => '1', # http:foo.php default => '0', # foo.php => file:foo.php } });
Now a template specified as:
[% INCLUDE foo %]
will be served by the 'file' provider (the default). Otherwise you can explicitly add a prefix:
[% INCLUDE file:foo.php %] [% INCLUDE http:foo.php %] [% INCLUDE %]
This same principal can be used to create a DBI template provider. e.g.
[% INCLUDE dbi:foo.php %]
Alas, we don't yet have a DBI provider as part of the Template Toolkit. There has been some talk on the mailing list about efforts to develop DBI and/or HTTP providers but as yet no-one has stepped forward to take up the challenge...
In the mean time, Craig Barrat's post from the mailing list has some useful pointers on how to achieve this using existing modules. See
The template
variable contains a reference to the
Template::Document object for the main template you're processing (i.e.
the one provided as the first argument to the Template process() method).
The name
method returns its name.
[% %] # e.g. index.php
The template
variable always references the main
template being processed. So even if you call [% INCLUDE header %], and
that calls [% INCLUDE menu %], the template
variable will be
[% %] # index.php [% INCLUDE header %]
[% %] # index.php [% INCLUDE menu %]
[% %] # index.php
In constrast, the component
variable always references the
current template being processed.
[% %] # index.php [% INCLUDE header %]
[% %] # header [% INCLUDE menu %]
[% %] # menu
The template
and component
variables reference
the main template and the current template being processed (see previous
questions). The modtime
method returns the modification time
of the corresponding template file as a number of seconds since the Unix
epoch (00:00:00 GMT 1st January 1970).
This number doesn't mean much to anyone (except perhaps serious Unix geeks) so you'll probably want to use the Date plugin to format it for human consumption.
[% USE Date %] [% %] last modified [% Date.format(template.modtime) %]
One easy way to achieve this is to define a single
template which loads in other configuration
files based on variables defined or other conditions.
For example, my setup usually looks something like this:
PRE_PROCESS => 'config/main'
[% DEFAULT style = 'text'
section = template.section or 'home';
PROCESS config/site
+ config/urls
+ config/macros
+ "config/style/$style"
+ "config/section/$section"
+ ...
This allows me to set a single 'style' variable to control which config file gets pre-processed to set my various style options (colours, img paths, etc). For example:
[% style = {
name = style # save existing 'style' var as ''
# define various other style variables....
col = {
back => '#ffffff'
text => '#000000'
# ...etc...
logo = {
# ...etc...
# ...etc...
Each source template can declare which section it's in via a META directive:
title = 'General Information'
section = 'info'
This controls which section configuration file gets loaded to set various other variables for defining the section title, menu, etc.
[% section = {
name = section # save 'section' var as ''
title = 'Information'
menu = [ ... ]
# ...etc...
This illustrates the basic principal but you can extend it to perform pretty much any kind of per-document initialisation that you require.
First of all, make sure that your template files define a Byte Order Mark
If you for some reason don't want to add BOM to your templates, you can
force Template to use a particular encoding (e.g. utf8
) for
your templates with the ENCODING
my $template = Template->new({ ENCODING => 'utf8' });